We're almost half-way through 2017, and it's been a fairly good year for food so far. Sustainability, access to healthy choices, and growth of non-GMO, naturally flavored and colored foods have solidified in the market.
And good thing, because up-coming generations will demand more and more healthful choices. Generation Z, those born after 1993 (now in their early-20's and younger) are setting a growing expectation for availability of healthful choices anytime, anywhere. They have grown up with access, through a digital world, to whatever they want, when they want it.
The market is responding well to these expectations, as Gen Z aren't the only ones demanding more healthful choices. Check out this article from Gordon Food Service, a food supply and transportation company, highlighting how trends for Boomers and Gen Z are both trending toward healthy choices.
Instant access to information and understanding what is best for our health and wellness, is helping to make healthful food arguments that so many have tried to make for decades. Varied ethnic preferences are coming to the forefront, as are plant-based menus and spicy, more adventurous flavors. These choices can be core to healthful eating habits recognized the world over, and the earlier we set these trends in our lifestyles, the better.
So find a young person who is interested and engaged in their food choices, and strike up a conversation. You'll likely share some thoughts on variety, sustainability, and maybe even farm-to-table and meatless favorites. Happy, healthful relating.
By the Way
Besides the fact that Gen Z will trend toward what is new and unique, they also appreciate the classics, both in flavor selections like chocolate and vanilla, and drinks like coffee and soda. So even though healthful choices may better define their palettes, there will likely be consistent western comfort foods on the market for decades to come.
Today I signed up for the 2017 Spartan Sprint in Palmerton, PA. I ran this race last year for the first time, and not only am I running it this year, but my younger son is running it as well. How cool is that?
I had this crazy idea last year that maybe I could do a Spartan 'Trifecta' by the time I was 50. To do that, you run a Sprint, Super and Beast Spartan Race in the same calendar year. What you need to realize is the value of forming a team for the Spartan Race and not going it alone. Unless you're an elite athlete, it is hard to get through the longer races by yourself.
So this year, Joe and I will be tackling the ski slopes of Blue Mountain ski area in early July, like thousands of other Spartan Racers. We've started our training and have some sore muscles to show for it already.
That makes 2017 a big year for us. I love the idea of training for this race with my son. Running on wooded trails and up ski slopes, climbing on ropes, nets and wood structures, slogging through mud and under barbed wire, throwing spears and jumping fire. As always it's much more about the journey, not just the destination, medals and 'war stories'.
You have something vitally important right in front of you. Are you tackling it, or part of it, this year? That weight goal, that first run, that hope to eat nutritionally healthy food consistently? That desire to stock a power pantry and stick with it? This can be your time; it's your year. Make every year a big year, and go tackle your goal.
By the Way
The Palmerton Spartan Race is the 3rd location for the Spartan US Championship Series. Seattle kicked off the season a few weekends ago, and CA, WV and NC are all included as well. NBC Sports is on board and there are all kinds of new features for race viewers, like live streaming on Facebook. Check out the Championship schedule and maybe you'll catch a Spartan bug as well.