Thursday, April 3, 2014

Burger Experiment Update

Two weeks ago I purchased a fast food kids' meal to try an oft repeated aging experiment that shows up on line. Now we're at Day 15, so I thought it would be a good time for an update.

Here was Day 1:
Burger, Fries, Apple Slices and a Side Salad, Day 1 - looks okay.

Salad Day 1 - mmmmm

And Day 2:
Day 2 - Salad showing its age; apples a little bit; burger & fries, not so much

And this is what we have today:
Day15 - the salad and apples will be going to the compost pile; the burger & fries are hanging in there

If you remember our premise from the original post, I had a friend who would say, "if it doesn't sprout or rot, don't eat it..." Well, I think we can guess that the burger and fries will slowly pertrify over time. The apples didn't really rot, and they don't look like normal dried apples... not sure what happened there. The salad sort of withered and dehydrated. The point is that the real food (the salad and apples) reveals itself by how it responds over time. When we fill our diet with burgers and fries (that have a tendency to not rot or go bad) can that really be good for our bodies? Granted, a fast food meal once in a while isn't an issue, as long as we are overwhelming our diet with whole foods that come from a power pantry.

By the Way

We're going to retire the salad and apple slices, but keep the burger and fries for a while longer. Maybe we'll shoot for a month or so. Jen found this site for The Burger Lab, revisiting the 12 year-old burger. They've taken the experiment to the extreme - check it out.

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