I think it's always tougher to 'go it alone'. We know that two heads are better than one, and a cord of three strands is not easily broken, so why do we so often attempt to tackle a lifestyle improvement or pantry upgrade on our own? I think experience tells us to find a buddy and journey together.

In my wellness journey I've had times when I've gone down the road by myself, and I've had times, like now, when I get to share the journey with others. Jennifer and I are definitely in this together for the benefits we get by making power pantry choices, and our kiddos, well, they get to be along for the ride (and they're all great at making healthy choices.) The point is that we are so much more susceptible to temptation when we go it alone, compared to having a travelling buddy. Do you have a travelling buddy on your power pantry journey?
Who makes an ideal travelling buddy? The most vital thing is agreeing on where you are headed; what's your destination, and how will you know when you are succeeding? Another is that you agreed on why you are on this journey - this would reflect your value set. Why are you convinced that a wellness lifestyle is better than just going with the flow of our standard American diet?
This role can be filled by almost anyone, from an intimate relative to a simple acquaintance: our spouse, a sibling, a coworker, a neighbor, an uncle or cousin or aunt or even one of our children.

What can we hope to get out of a shared journey? Camaraderie, appropriate challenges to our own status quo, the chance to be stretched into changes we wouldn't make on our own, and the chance to call someone else up into a challenge they may not be willing to take on their own. There will be times when we get sharpened and challenged and grow, and there will be times when those we journey with challenge us to change and grow - that's a good thing...
The other great thing about journeying together is that our travelling buddies can be different over time. We may have a great wellness rapport with someone for just a season, and then things change and we (or they) move on. The hope is that we've added to one another's lives and create some lasting value that sticks with both of us.
So if you find that you're going it alone at this season of your journey, maybe it would be good to stop and evaluate the landscape a bit, and look for a new connection to join you in your power pantry journey.
By the Way
If you aren't able to think of someone to connect with on your wellness journey, there is the option of a group setting. Almost every fitness center and rec center has a wellness and/or nutrition offering where you can connect with others about great wellness choices. Again, this doesn't need to be for years, maybe it's just for a season of a few months. Your bound to make a friend or two, and it is very likely you'll find someone who is available to walk with you on your wellness journey for a while.
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