Monday, October 6, 2014

You Are What You Eat

We are, very simply, what we eat:  this is something I think we all know from childhood, when we don't care a whit about our health and it's more fun vying for that piece of chocolate than thinking about what is nutritious. Times change, and our bodies change, and I know there is an innate niggling voice encouraging us to make a healthy choice, if we'll just listen to it.

Maybe it is middle age which gets us distracted toward healthier choices and listening to our bodies instead of listening to our desires. Maybe it is getting exasperated with the aches and pains of 'aging' where we decide we just can't live like that any longer. However it happens, I think we all come to terms with our food choices as a catalyst for either health or sickness.

I like to glean and forward resources for lifestyle wellness, and as a friend and I were talking the other day, I mentioned a great pair of documentaries that he was not yet aware of. These are based on the belief that we are what we eat, and that food matters. In fact, the title of their initial work is 'Food Matters'. This insightful work is the product of tremendous research and expert perspectives compiled by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch. Their follow up piece, 'Hungry for Change', is just as valuable.

What you'll learn in these great documentaries are more fundamentals on why whole foods make such a beneficial difference, how our bodies crave nutritional offerings like vitamins and micronutrients, and how conventional, western medicine continues to get this wrong. You'll hear from experts and get valuable encouragement to convince you that, if you're on your own wellness journey, you're not crazy and you're not alone.

Start by having a look at their website: You'll find an incredible amount of wellness and nutrition information, all in one place. Materials from recipes to wellness guides to articles, and one of their most significant resources, - a clearing house of nutrition and wellness-related videos and documentaries. Take a wellness step today as you work on your power pantry. It's our choice, and today is the best day to begin.

By the Way

You can watch Food Matters and Hungry for Change instantly on Netflix, if you're a subscriber.

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