A couple of months ago I got a Fit Bit Zip tracker, and I'm now just about acclimated to the feedback it provides and finding the time and energy to keep it happy. What I like about wearable trackers is that they don't lie. I have great days where I'm busy and active and log 17,000 steps, and other days where I'm lucky to crack 6,000 steps (like today - I'm totally blowing my averages...)
If you don't yet have a good quality, wearable tracker, maybe the holidays is a time to put it on your wish list (and talk it up with family) in the hopes you'll get one in your stocking. I have found that just keeping the tracker with me daily, and downloading and reviewing my stats, gives me enough motivation to go do something every day. Another cool feature with Fit Bit is the weekly progress email they send. This email shows me what I've accrued for steps and any other things I've tracked (manually).

With daily tracking in mind, I was encouraged to get an email from our wellness folks at work which highlighted some top apps to help us survive the holidays in a healthful way. Here is one of them which appears to do really well at encouraging physical activity and healthful eating:
My Fitness Pal- www.myfitnesspal.com
The holidays are a wonderful time to enjoy relationship and connection and family traditions. But having these bountiful, yearly interactions doesn't have to come at the expense of our power pantry journey. I think there is plenty of benefit and opportunity to do both. So keep that tracker on your Christmas list, and let it enhance your power pantry choices. It keeps physical activity top-of-mind, and that's the best way to survive the holidays with your hard-fought health intact.
By the Way
I like that My Fitness Pal has a ton of apps to connect to a variety of trackers. I can download the Fit Bit app for it and the Fitness Pal food tracking then integrates with my physical activity stats recorded by my Zip tracker. Very cool... check out their web site and see if it might work for you.
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