It' here! Ready or not. This Saturday is the 7th Annual Garden Spot Village Marathon (and half Marathon). I committed some months ago that I would run the half-marathon, which was a 2014 goal of mine that never took hold. The year came and went, and the most I did was a 10k.

I've been training appropriately since the beginning of the year, and while I'm not in peak running form, I'm ready to roll. Last Saturday me and son #1 and daughter #1 ran in the Sauder Egg Run (an Easter weekend run Sauders has been doing for decades). That's a 5 mile run, and it was a perfect match with my training schedule (I've tapered off my big runs coming into final prep for the half-marathon.) I feel mentally ready, and with God's help and a couple good nights' sleep, I'll be physically ready, too.

Right now, I bet you have something pending where you need to bring your A game. And you're prepared and ready to engage, although you've never tackled anything like it before. That's okay... you know what to do and how to do it, all you need to do is execute. Maintaining a power pantry is exactly like that, too. Very simple, although it may not be easy. All I can say is, "you have what it takes ... go get 'em."
By the Way
My daughter #1 is running the "Kid's Marathon" at GSV this year. It is being done in coordination with the YMCA, and its a tremendous introduction to running for the kids. What you do is run, walk, bike or swim 25 miles in the weeks and months preceding the Kids' Marathon, and then complete a 1.2 mile run this Friday night the 10th, to complete your 26.2 miles total. What a great idea, and great encouragement for lifestyle fitness!
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