I love having teens and a tween (and a pre-schooler) for kids. They are digital natives and come across some great content online that I would never have found on my own. Part of a wellness lifestyle includes the ability to laugh, find joy in the moment, and make happiness a regular part of life. And our daughter found a great resource recently, so I'm shooting it out to the Power Pantry community.

Do you find yourself taking life too seriously? I often forget that a long time ago I gave up control as general manager of the universe... everyday worries, strife and frustrations are just not worth getting bent out of shape over. And a dose of comedic reality can help as a reset. What's better is to live with purpose, find worthwhile work to keep us occupied, maintain a selfless perspective (that is, live to serve, not to be served), and get going - time's a wastin'!
Check out some of Studio C on YouTube. You can subscribe to their channel, and you'll find a ton of content. Their Wikipedia article has a whole episode run-down of all seasons so far - check them out here: Studio C article.
So have a few laughs (or a lot of them) with the crowd from Studio C. Better yet, gather the family around and watch some of the videos together. They are all family-friendly (nothing beyond some PG-level themes) and do a great job of poking fun at typical American life. Enjoy!
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