Summer is in full swing, and in the midst of vacations and enjoying the hot weather and distracted schedule, you may also need to keep your eye on the ball. Following a power pantry lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle. It's not a diet, it's not a season, it definitely isn't a fad; it's for life (literally). That's why I like to talk about power pantry guidance as 'lifestyle wellness resources.'
With wellness as an integral part of life, an upcoming wellness event (think running-race, bike race, a big hike, a triathlon, etc.) may be on your horizon like it is on mine. Some months ago, I committed to running another half-marathon this year, and while my first pick (in Bird-in-Hand, PA) is sold-out, I searched for and found another.
So I'm preparing for a late-September half-marathon in the Lancaster area, and 12 weeks out is now, meaning it's time to get on the stick. (FYI, a training rule-of-thumb is 1 week of training for each mile of a running race, so 13.1 miles should yield about 13 weeks of prepararation.)
Are you preparing for a wellness goal? Is there a small poke in your spirit that says you should? Now's a great time... don't put it off.
I have a pastor-friend who says, "if you don't know where the battle is today, you're preparing for the next one..." I like that perspective. A lot. We won't always have the obvious challenge right in front of us or on our doorstep. Maybe we have some margin right now for a reason... to prepare.

By the Way
I love a quote by John Wooden:
"When opportunity comes, it's too late to prepare."
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