There is great value in questioning. Questioning the way things are, why they are that way, and definitely asking where circumstance could be if things were different. Have we sincerely questioned ourselves lately? I'm not great at it, but I do make it a point to keep my horizons open by questioning myself.

- What can I do? (Instead of beating ourselves up for what isn't happening, and where we've given up or dropped the ball...)
- How can I help? (Journeying together with others is a great way for us to grow, and to stay in the game ourselves; tuning in to where others are and how you may be a resource enriches our own journey as much as the person we may end up helping)
- Where am I headed? (While it's good to find contentment right where we are, there is also significant value in asking where we're going... what will things look like a year from now? How about five years from now?
- Why am I stuck? (We all get stuck at some point... and where we've gotten stuck may feel like a tar pit that we'll never escape. But that's often a mental exaggeration, and the truth is once we pick ourselves up and get moving again, a path opens up to us.)
By the Way
Possibly the best question of all is this:
- What do I notice? (The best progress in a power pantry lifestyle can come from this question. When we honestly ask ourselves what is different, especially after some change or catalyst has taken hold (like we're in the midst of a detox cleanse and we experience physical improvements), we can evaluate what things are beneficial, and which drag us into poor health and even suffering.)
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