Sunday, February 19, 2017

Still 90/10


We're surprisingly in the second month of 2017... time flies. How's your power pantry, and what's the quality and condition of the food making it to your table?

I've made some really interesting edits to our pantry in the last several months, and have been really blessed because of it. I'm always learning more about how foods affect our metabolism and digestive health, and how the whole package of wellness rises and falls on what we put in our mouths.

What I've  been learning is that numerous fruits and veggies can be irritants to my gut, and I'm actually much healthier without them. And once those 'primary' irritants are out of the picture, things like gluten and simple dairy don't bother me (at all). I would not have suspected this 3-4 years ago when I found gluten and dairy to be a real pantry problem.

Even with these edits, the fundamentals still stand. If you dig around our fridge and pantry you'll find whole foods, simple ingredients and healthful selections. My goal is still to get 90% of my calories from simple, whole foods (even if these include more dairy and gluten) and 10% can be from less healthful choices.

No artificial colors or preservatives or sweeteners. No highly processed anything. And lots more orgainic selections in our pantry as the market offers affordable healthier choices. We even enjoy ice cream (Turkey Hill makes great all-natural ice creams...) 

How's your pantry? And how about the majority of calories you consume? Are your choices healthful and nutrient-dense? Are you feeding your body with intentionality? It all begins with our pantries and fridges - when we get that right, everything else falls into place. Commit to at least an 80/20 split for healthful pantry selections.

By the Way

I'm still marveling at how well my running and workouts are going even though I've added foods back to my diet which I had previously banned. It reminds me to always be open-minded. My running endurance is great, my joints and muscles are pain free and recovery time is on par. And I'm feeling better in general with these recent improvements... These are the benefits of a wellness lifestyle and staying curious.

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