Sunday, January 27, 2019

"Hard Work Pays Off"


Image result for mat fraser"Hard Work Pays Off" is a quote recently made popular by Mat Fraser, CrossFit champion the last three years. He knows the gut-level commitment it takes to make something epic happen... and he truly is one of the greatest of all time. But our hard work doesn't need epic goals to be important. Maybe our hard work is simple, reproducible and right in front of us.

Next weekend is the Super Bowl, and every year I linger on the irony of hundreds of millions of people overeating and passively cheering as the teams battle on the field. A few hundred athletes, representing the two teams in the game, know that it was hard work that got them there. The annual Super Bowl is their payoff. The fans? Some get it; most don't.

What hard work might we be called to this week? This month? For starters, maybe it's the hard work of finally cleaning up our pantry, getting rid of all the faux foods that contribute to metabolic disease world-wide. It's simple, but not easy, to stock our pantry and fridge with real meat, fish, nuts, seeds, veggies and fruits, and ditch the artificial-everything (flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, etc.)

Or if we've made progress in our pantry, maybe our hard work is to get moving, regularly taking a walk, going for a run, a swim or a bike ride. Maybe it's time to get serious about a yoga habit, or martial arts program, or even something like a Planet Fitness membership or CrossFit.

It's hard work. If it was easy, everyone would do it (and I sure wish everyone would.) And then there's a payoff. We invest, we learn, we adjust, we advance. Then one day we wake up as the 'new' person we knew we could be - someone we would not have recognized just years earlier. That's the payoff. We cash in by living into this new life, and never going back to the old ways of poor eating and inactivity.

So make a difference this week. Set a small goal, and start doing some hard work toward it. Change your schedule, make a new habit, find a new wellness tribe to join. Then get to work and don't look back.

By the Way

I'm all for enjoying the Super Bowl! It think it is a great celebration of sport and competition and achievement. And there is nothing wrong with enjoying tables full of snacks, as long as they are whole foods, and our bodies will appreciate the nourishment. If you're having your own party, choose wisely and enjoy. If you're visiting someone else's party, be the one who takes along something healthful.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

CrossFit Nutrition Guidance


This past week I was honored to present a Power Pantry perspective to a group of business leaders in the Lancaster, PA, area. The task was simply to bring some valuable Power Pantry guidance that might help us all launch into a great 2019.

I prepared fundamentals on food, movement, wise counsel and goal setting. I figure those are life skills that I hope to use through my old age, so why not share them with this group of leaders. My Power Pantry foundation has always been that we need real food in our pantries, so my fist encouragement to the group was to "Get Real" in their food choices.

I also shared some direction from CrossFit and Spartan Race guidance. Interestingly, both of these wellness-related industries put a high value on our food choices.

ALT TEXTCrossFit has a training and certification series that gives the groundwork of their 'functional fitness' approach, and the base of that work is Nutrition. CrossFit direction on nutrition looks like this:
Eat meat and vegetables
Nuts and seeds
Some fruit
Little starch
No sugar

That's it. Fundamental, and real. No more faux food. Check out this great article that describes the CrossFit Level 1 training, and how some of these fundamentals fit together:
Off the Carbs, Off the Couch

Nutrition is the base of the CrossFit pyramid, and I agree. Real food is the foundation that allows us to overcome our Western lifestyle diseases, and have something to build on for true health and wellness. Start today by reading further on a whole food diet (past Power Pantry posts are a great resource), and purge some faux foods out of your pantry. You'll set the right tone for 2019 and give yourself a great wellness launch.

By the Way

Notice that CrossFit isn't against carbohydrates. There are plenty of carbohydrates in vegetables and fruits. The problem, metabolically, is refined starches (refined grains like wheat, and all the pastas, breads and snacks made from them.) A great diet includes plenty of lean protein, vegetables and fruits (and the carbohydrates that come with them), and naturally-derived fats. Let's work on getting more of those in our pantry and fridge.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Discipline Equals Freedom


2019 is here! Woo Hoo! Maybe you have a lot you're looking forward to, or maybe 2019 seems like it will flow just like 2018. Either way, some focus will help us make the most of the coming months.

Image result for discipline equals freedom jocko willinkI recently came across a perspective that is wise counsel, and worth following: Discipline equals freedom. This insight, with a book by the same title, is from Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL commander and trainer. Jocko is a leadership expert, and served our nation diligently for years through the SEALs. Leadership concepts that Jocko repeats are worth listening to...

Discipline is not fun; that's why it's called discipline. Think about the individual who has achieved financial freedom. They first needed to apply some form of financial discipline. You don't stumble into financial freedom, even if you inherit resource or come "from money". How ever you arrive at financial freedom, it is some form of discipline that gets you there.

Or consider the business person who wants to be their own boss. Being successful as a business owner is not easy, and it definitely takes discipline. A dedicated season of learning and applying business leadership concepts would certainly pay off with some form of professional freedom. It is discipline which gets you there.

How about our wellness journey? No doubt, wellness discipline equals wellness freedom. If you've read Power Pantry for any amount of time, you know that our lifestyle choices have the most significant impact on our health and wellness. Simple disciplines in our choices equal freedom in our health.

So where can we exercise some discipline in our wellness journey in 2019? Did we leave some things undone in 2018? Then start there. That daily or weekly schedule of taking a walk, or getting to the gym for a swim, or actually training for that first 5k. If our lack of discipline kept us stuck last year, that's okay; it's a new year and new chance to live into some disciplines that will get us the results we want.

If you haven't already, go ahead and start the list of 2019 disciplines that will lead you to the freedom you are seeking.

By the Way

Little disciplines add up. Jocko Willink knows this, as does Navy Admiral William H McRaven. Admiral McRaven has an oft-repeated quote supporting the high value of small, daily accomplishments:
"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed."