2019 is here! Woo Hoo! Maybe you have a lot you're looking forward to, or maybe 2019 seems like it will flow just like 2018. Either way, some focus will help us make the most of the coming months.
Discipline is not fun; that's why it's called discipline. Think about the individual who has achieved financial freedom. They first needed to apply some form of financial discipline. You don't stumble into financial freedom, even if you inherit resource or come "from money". How ever you arrive at financial freedom, it is some form of discipline that gets you there.
Or consider the business person who wants to be their own boss. Being successful as a business owner is not easy, and it definitely takes discipline. A dedicated season of learning and applying business leadership concepts would certainly pay off with some form of professional freedom. It is discipline which gets you there.
How about our wellness journey? No doubt, wellness discipline equals wellness freedom. If you've read Power Pantry for any amount of time, you know that our lifestyle choices have the most significant impact on our health and wellness. Simple disciplines in our choices equal freedom in our health.
So where can we exercise some discipline in our wellness journey in 2019? Did we leave some things undone in 2018? Then start there. That daily or weekly schedule of taking a walk, or getting to the gym for a swim, or actually training for that first 5k. If our lack of discipline kept us stuck last year, that's okay; it's a new year and new chance to live into some disciplines that will get us the results we want.
If you haven't already, go ahead and start the list of 2019 disciplines that will lead you to the freedom you are seeking.
By the Way
Little disciplines add up. Jocko Willink knows this, as does Navy Admiral William H McRaven. Admiral McRaven has an oft-repeated quote supporting the high value of small, daily accomplishments:
"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed."
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