This month is breast cancer awareness month, and it really hits home in our family - my wife's mother is a four-year breast cancer survivor. When I came across a great article from Dr. Joel Furhman last week on strategies for preventing breast cancer, I thought it would be great to share it. I would say this article strongly supports the fact that what is good for preventing breast cancer will go a long way toward improving overall wellness.
Check out the article from Dr. Fuhrman:
Ten Strategies for Preventing Breast Cancer
You may question whether this article is relevant for you (especially the guys), but I guarantee that it has valuable information and support for adjustments to our pantries and lifestyle. What is good for any of the parts is definitely good for the whole.
How do Dr. Fuhrman's ten points stack up? The first half are all diet-related (higher quality nutrients; limit animal proteins; include flax and chia). Six through ten include getting three hours of exercise a week and eliminating alcohol and smoking.
We're all affected by cancer. It impacts our families, our friends, coworkers, neighbors... and can affect us directly as well. Even if we're young and 'healthy' now, our lifestyle choices have an indelible impact on our lives, and by extension, on the lives of those around us. Try incorporating Dr. Fuhrman's guidance, and take a step toward a power pantry and a wellness lifestyle.
By the Way
Dr. Fuhrman is one of the few prominent web doctors who exhaustively footnotes all of his research and perspective. Check out the References at the end of the Preventing Breast Cancer article; he's done his homework...
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