Pursuing a wellness lifestyle and stocking a power pantry can bring with it a lot of change, and with a lot of change can come disappointment and a defeatist attitude. When we hit these rough patches in our journey we need a good pick-me-up, and I think the gold-standard in that department comes from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

I first came across Dr. Peale's materials when I was a kid. I had seen Guideposts magazine on numerous occasions and always appreciated the perspectives of celebrities and commons folks that were shared, and the sometimes miraculous stories the magazine conveyed. Dr. Peale founded Guideposts with his wife in 1945, and it maintains a robust subscriber base to this day. Sometime after college, I got a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and benefited greatly from the guidance I found there.
If you've never read The Power of Positive Thinking, you need to. And even if you've read it before, there's no time like the present for a refresher. To take away any excuses you may have, here is a link to get a free PDF or ebook version of The Power of Positive Thinking from Guideposts:
Positive Thinking 2014
Take heart, you may have some struggles right now and your wellness lifestyle is falling behind, or your pantry isn't reflecting what you really want to feed your body, but you can launch right back into shape with a reset of your thinking. There are useful, simple tools at the ready in resources like Guideposts and Dr. Peale's writings. Optimism is the antidote to so many common ills, if we'll just take a deep breath and resolve to see how much of life is going our way. Here's to living a life that is positively charged.
By the Way
If you get to know Dr. Peale through his writing, you should also get to know Og Mandino and Horatio Alger. Horatio Alger was one of the first American writers to bring practical, motivational content to his writings, back during the Great Depression. He was renowned for influencing the lives of the down-and-out, to seek and strive for something better in life.
Og Mandino wrote many easy-to-read books with substantive content to give the reader simple, memorable tools for self-motivation and to spur us to help and grow others. Happy reading!
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