I was at a training meeting the other day where a business friend was telling me about his work with Spartan Races. He's a very accomplished businessman with role of significance unlike anything he's ever done before. He's been a marathoner for years, and through an interesting turn of circumstances, now finds himself on staff, planning, directing and executing Spartan Races around the country.
Are you familiar with these "mud run" style races? They are designed to challenge all sorts of physical and mental endurance, and truly bring out the best in the participants, especially where training, perseverance and tough-mindedness are concerned.
Check out these videos on Spartan Races and see what you're in for if you choose to try one out:
Official Spartan Race video
Longer video so you get the big picture
I believe we are more than we think we are... and more than even our closest family and friends may think we are. Living a power pantry lifestyle is about fully engaging in life and choosing to be fully alive. And it is a choice. We can take on the challenge that's confronting us and live into the adventure it brings with it, or we can shrink back, play it safe, and wonder what we might be missing.
For me, I'm looking forward to 2015 as the year I run my first half marathon (it was on my list for 2014 and didn't make it to the top). Maybe you have a challenging goal ahead of you; go tackle it.
By the Way
The Spartan Races are one of numerous "obstacle course races" which are developed and promoted regularly. There's bound to be one near you, if you're game for the investment it takes to do one. Check out this top 5 list of mud runs from www.builtlean.com:
Top Obstacle Course Races
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