Change is never easy, even when it's welcomed. The best thing is to have a vision of where we're going and what we want life to look like, and then move in that direction a step at a time. Depending on how big our vision is, it can be like trying to become someone we've never met.

You might say, "but I'm not a healthy person, and I don't come from a healthy family..." I'd say, "fake it." Maybe you have no basis for good power pantry choices in life; I'd say, "fake it." Start right where you are, today, and align your choices with what you know is healthier.
To go one better, you can advance your approach to faking it by planning to, "fake it until you become it." I think this is really the ultimate in personal growth (or self-imposed behavior modification if you want to look at it that way.) To me, it indicates a certain level of grit and resolve. If you've decided how things are going to be (ie, you are determined to live a healthy lifestyle and live out great eating and exercise habits), you can set your mind to achieving that vision no matter what. All that's left to do is walk the journey from here to there.
So I'll encourage you to just start. Launch into what may be the great unknown by giving it a try. You may suffer some setbacks and roadblocks along the journey, but just start anyway. Six months from now you may marvel at how far you've come. And a year from now, who knows what you'll have achieved. Good luck!
By the Way
I saw a great TED Talk that provides solid reinforcement for this concept and approach. Check out what Amy Cuddy says about faking it until we become it (and it's been viewed over 23 million times, so I think it's worth listening to...):
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
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