Sunday, March 8, 2015

Woo Hoo!

It's time to celebrate! Power Pantry is one year old! Not only that, this is post #100...

This journey toward wellness lifestyle resources began out of a conviction to share our journey with folks, and give back in a practical way. My wife, Jen, and I started toward our own wellness lifestyle habits after she was diagnosed with reactive arthritis in 2012. Here we are almost 3 years later, healthier, trimmer and more convicted than ever that 'you are what you eat', and that wellness is very much within our grasp. Then our journey brought the conviction to share about the things we were learning along the way, and Power Pantry was born.

In the last 12 months, we've shared about big ideas and niggling details, hopefully sprinkled with encouragement and a bit of silliness here and there. In everything, we want to shine light on wellness lifestyle choices, and the undeniable benefits of a discerning diet, a moderate level of physical activity and intentionally seeking and engaging in healthy community. All it takes is the power to choose, and to walk the journey toward health instead of toward the illness and pain that are so easy to fall into.

Milestones (like a one year anniversary, or a 100th post) are a great time to take stock. Where were we coming from? Where are we going? What kind of progress have we made, if any? I think there are two directions we can be moving: we're either fleeing something that isn't the best for us, or we're pursuing a vision of how we think things ought to be. Which is it for you? I know for Jen and me, there was a time when we were fleeing - fleeing pain, frustration, lack of mental focus and energy. Now our journeys have turned to a strong pursuit - the pursuit of wellness with intentionality. For me, I'd much rather be an initiator than a responder; I want to be in pursuit, knowing every step can and will get me closer to my vision.

The best thing about the journey is that everyday is a new day. Even after a year of blogging through Power Pantry, I feel like I come up short on some of my own wellness choices. Am I doing enough? If I would just focus, would I take my health to another level? What if I was a better juicer, or did consistent workouts? Is it time to buy Sweatin' to the Oldies, or a ThighMaster? (just kidding...) Even when I do make poor or goofy choices, I have the opportunity to write a new page of life tomorrow. Today's page is written (in ink), and can't be changed; tomorrow's page is blank and waiting...what will we write?

How's your journey going? Feel free to drop me a comment below, or contact me directly through the Ask A Question widget on the Power Pantry home page. 

By the Way

Maybe it's time to share your own wellness journey with someone. Power pantry is touching lives all over the US, from New England to the Pacific Northwest, and around the North East. And it's free, with no barriers to entry... just the investment of time to tune in. Send Power Pantry along to someone today. (You can easily forward to folks using the small icons at the foot of each post - send along by email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and more...)

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