Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Find Your Energy

It's training season! I started my 2016 running last month... do you have a _________ season? (walking, jogging, biking, hiking, running, weight training?) With the days getting longer and warmer weather on the way, it's the right time to get outside and engage the season to invest in our wellness. When we do, we often catch a groove of stamina and focus that springs from the fresh air, and the feel-good enzymes and hormones generated by your workout. It may not always work, though...

I was out for a 'long' run on Sunday, and about a mile in, I couldn't believe how drained I felt. Have you ever felt that way? I had run almost 6 miles late on Saturday and ate some birthday treats at a family party Saturday night... and here I was paying for it Sunday morning, the day I was supposed to do about 10 miles.

1-2 miles in, my legs were already yelling at me, and by 4-5 miles in I was basically ready to pack it in. And in recent years, I 'never' pack it in - I've been very resolved that once I begin my runs, I'm in it for the distance I had planned to run. And no walking during the run, either. I felt like I was wimping out, but I just had this thick, dragging, tired, worn-out feeling dogging me. And I couldn't shake it.

So about 6 miles in (and still 4 miles from home on the return leg of my run) I actually walked about 3-4 minutes. Then I ran some more. And then I walked some more. It was a brisk March morning, and I couldn't believe how refreshing it felt taking a bit of a break in my run. Every time I started back running, I had a good amount of energy to go at it again... until I didn't. And then I walked some more.

All in all, I ran about 8 1/2 miles Sunday morning, and walked a bunch in between. But it turned out to be a good run, and a great investment of my time and effort. Looking back, I probably needed a bit more recovery time from Saturday night, or just a shorter run Sunday morning (and it would have helped to skip the birthday treats...) Any of these things would have helped me find the energy I needed for Sunday morning.

How about you? If you find you're coming up short on energy this season, mix it up and see what helps. Maybe a bit more recovery time, or a better diet or just an appropriate break in the midst of your workout. Stepping back from our physical activity for a bit may give just the perspective we need to help us dig in and get back at it.

By the Way

If you don't yet have a step goal in your wellness journey, start today. Get a pedometer and set a simple goal of 5,000 steps a day and see how you do over a week, and then a month. Once you can consistently hit that goal, add 10% (another 500 steps) a day, and work at that for a while. Keep doing this and in no time at all you'll be at the much touted 10,000 steps a day, and you'll be giving your body a blessing.

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