Sunday, March 13, 2016

Simple Wellness - It's Time

No More Excuses
Tenth and final post in a Simple Wellness series

Since the beginning of 2016 I've been posting about Simple Wellness concepts and approaches. None of this content is new to Power Pantry, and it all bears repeating. We looked at a lot of great lifestyle wellness ideas:

  • Having a good mental picture of where we're headed with our wellness
  • Detoxing our bodies of standard western foods to lose cravings which derail us
  • The real value of nutrient-dense foods, and how it changes our lives
  • How goal-setting, accountability and managing temptation are vital to wellness
  • Modifying mindless eating habits to manage calorie intact and help us enjoy our food
  • Pursuing our wellness vision with others to assure we'll go far
  • The high impact of regular exercise and general body movement on our wellness
  • And why reducing stress is of such great value in our wellness journey

I can only hope that you connected with some of this content. I know these concepts and actions have become fundamental to how I approach my wellness. Am I living out each one every day? Probably not, but as we come back and come back and come back to what we know will bring us to health, we can truly make these approaches part of our lifestyle.

If you've found any of this series particularly valuable, then please share it with a friend. And for your own journey, I hope you will dig in and engage in intentional healthful improvements - it's time... no more excuses. Take time to look closely at your goal-setting and eating and exercise and stress-management, and hopefully as we all think through the wellness value of these actions, we'll be compelled to pass the knowledge along.

Thanks for being along the Power Pantry journey. Next week we'll look at some fitbit advances and content that are great resources for our wellness.

By the Way

As a preview to some fitbit content, I'll share that through worldwide physical activity research, fitbit has been able to establish the number one physical activity practiced in all the countries they've studied. Are any of us surprised that it's walking? That's it: just walking - simple and doable the world over.

And remember the 10,000 steps-a-day goal for any walking and running you may do. That level of daily exertion was originally proposed and subscribed to in Japan. Now it is accepted the world over as a simple, achievable, daily goal.

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