Sunday, August 17, 2014

America's Protein Habit

As a nation, we eat way too much protein, especially animal protein. I know I've already lost some of you with that simple statement because it sounds extreme, like henny penny looking for the sky to fall (raining with bacon and fried eggs, in this case). We've been sold this strange bill of goods that beef and chicken and dairy and eggs are great for our health, born mostly out of our farming history and successful industry lobbying of the past century. As Washington's regulations go, so goes our nation... and our health is going right down the sewer (kind of like Washington?)

Some folks have even been convinced that vegetable proteins are incomplete, and we'll be lacking vital amino acids if consume a plant-based diet and skip the meat, dairy and eggs. That's factually incorrect. Our bodies can do just fine on plants alone, and counting all the health issues that result from eating animal-based foods, we'd do much better to side with the vegetables.

I've often conveyed that I'm a fan of Dr. Joel Fuhrman and his book "Eat to Live". Consider this passage about the protein myth from page 140:
A healthy diet, we were taught, supposedly centered on meat and milk. Protein was thought to be the most favorable of all nutrients, and lots of protein was thought to be the key to strength, health, and vigor. Unfortunately, cancer rates soared. As a result of scientific investigations into the causes of the disease, we have had to rethink what we were taught. Old habits die hard: most Americans still cling to what they were taught as children. There are very few subjects that are more distorted in modern culture than that of protein.Keep in mind that we do need protein. We can't be healthy without protein in our diet. Plant foods have plenty of protein...and you don't need to mix and match foods to achieve protein completeness. Any combination of natural foods will supply you with adequate protein, including all eight essential amino acids as well as nonessential amino acids.

Yes, old habits die hard, but they do eventually die. Unfortunately, it is taking generations of sickness and disease (heart disease, diabetes, and cancers, especially) to get the attention of our nation. We have terrible eating and wellness habits in our western culture, and thankfully the solution is really simple: lean hard toward a plant-based diet.

Here are a couple did-you-know facts. From a nutrient density standpoint (ie, how much nutritional bang do we get for the calorie buck, from the foods we eat) green veggies beat everything else - hands down. When looking at the protein content per calorie, green vegetables register about 50% of their calories from protein content, and vegetables in general supply about 10% of their calories from protein. That's good nutrient density, and a great protein source.

There is more and more evidence entering the mainstream about the inflammation caused by animal-based foods, and how that results in plaque in our arteries, obesity, diabetes, many common cancers and numerous other health issues. More on these in a future post. Suffice it to say that focusing on a plant-based diet, and following Dr. Fuhrman's 'GBOMBS' protocol (see post here) will get you exceptional nutrition, plenty of protein, all the amino acids you need, help you shed pounds and feel incredible.

By the Way

Check out "Plant Power" advocate, Rich Roll, and his great information on successfully living a vegan lifestyle. Rich is especially unique because he is an ultra-endurance athlete. Rich has a great website where you can catch some of his content he's shared with CNN and Men's Health magazine, as well as his #1 book on Amazon - 

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