Thursday, October 16, 2014

Assessing Progress

The tried and true aphorism that 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' is as true today as it was when Laozi wrote it around 550 BC. And living a wellness lifestyle with a well-thought-out power pantry certainly takes some steps. How is your journey going?

Maybe you're new to this idea of reading labels and being more discerning about your food choices. Do you regularly purge processed foods from your fridge and pantry and look for some great veggies, greens and fruits to include daily? Maybe you're getting out for a walk more often, or making the time to linger with family or spend time in prayer. All these things are worth the first step you take as you invest in your wellness.

It is valuable to make a few mental markers along the way. Remember where you came from, and note well where you are now. Sometimes you may marvel a the positive gap you see between the two. For me, compared to when I began my wellness journey in 2010, I'm 30+ pounds lighter, with one or two migraines a year (instead of 2+ a month), no aches and pains in my joints or knees, and energy that I haven't had for 25 years. That may not be the norm, but it's just short of miraculous to me, and I'll never go back to living a standard American lifestyle now that power pantry habits have taken hold.

Have a look at aspects of your journey, make note of where you are, and consider engaging more actively in numerous ways:

  • Nutritional excellence - eating with an eye on the nutrient density of food, leaning into fresh, plant-based, whole foods as much as possible
  • Physical activity - daily activity that gets our body moving, keeping you flexible, strong and vibrant
  • Meaningful relationships - relating with people who care for you and who you can care for
  • Engaging community - being part of something bigger than yourself where you can make a difference
  • Spiritual investment - quiet time for meditation and prayer to reset and gain perspective

So take a step today. Maybe it seems like a long journey, but don't worry about that; just start where you are. You'll be making incredible progress before you know it.

By the Way

We can sometimes get hung up on our 'failures' or get distracted because we backslide. Struggle is a normal part of the journey. My encouragement is to simply write a great page today. We're all writing the chronicle of our lives, one page at a time. Today is a blank page, and yesterday's page is in ink and we can't change it now. Resolve to write a great page today...

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