Thursday, December 18, 2014

Light in the Darkness

When we think of a wellness lifestyle we probably consider better nutrition and physical activity, and maybe making some down time in our schedule. But there are other aspects to living out power pantry choices, and I think the Christmas season highlights one of the best. The truth is, there is real darkness in the world, and there is real light. At Christmastime, we have the opportunity to experience both.

I love living in the northeast US and seeing the change of seasons, and the winter solstice, which is upon us, has always been interesting to me. It's the shortest day and longest night of the year, so it certainly brings literal darkness, and a good reset and appreciation for lengthening days. Beyond physical darkness, there's no lack of spiritual darkness in the world as well. We don't need to look far to find junk and weirdness...

What Christmas promises is the introduction, or re-introduction, to the Light. God has always known there would be spiritual darkness in the world, so he gives us the opportunity for light, and He sent Christ thousands of years ago to be that Light. While I grew up in a Catholic tradition, it wasn't until I was in my 20's that I made a choice to follow God through Jesus Christ. Literally, when I made that decision, the light of Christ became a part of my life.

My spiritual well being is a significant part of my power pantry lifestyle. Not a day goes by that I don't connect with God by reading the Bible, or in gratitude or through some dialog where I need His direction. The great thing is that when I seek Him, I find Him, and we're promised that when we draw close to God, God will draw close to us.

So this Christmas season I hope you'll seek out the Light. There is a peace and assurance available to all of us, which is beyond anything we can understand. There are a few days left before Christmas... I'll encourage us all to seek and follow the Light... that's what Christmas is all about.

By the Way

I've  heard it said that Jesus is a gentleman. He doesn't force His way into our lives, but patiently waits for us to be ready to follow Him. The Bible even says He stands at the door and knocks. I like that. As part of your wellness journey, maybe this Christmas you'll seek the Light, and even answer the door.

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