Sunday, February 1, 2015

Take Back Control

The holidays are over, we're a month into the new year, and spring will be here in seven weeks... it's time to get serious about our wellness. There's no time like the present, even if we feel like we've been backsliding or fudging or cheating with our power pantry choices. Tomorrow is a blank page and we have the chance to write whatever we want, so let's write something awesome...

If you caught the first half of the super big game tonight, you saw a commercial for Weight Watchers that really hits the theme of choices in our eating. We're in control when it comes to either following or denying the standard American diet...all we need to do is choose well.

If you missed the football game, and the commercials, check out the "All You Can Eat" video from Weight Watchers, courtesy of
All You Can Eat

What I take away from this commercial is that there will always be a food industry more than willing to separate us from our money, in exchange for a shallow satisfaction and false fulfillment. But we need to think differently; we need to act differently.

To me, taking back control means choosing as if our life depends on it, because frankly, it does. Our choices need to bring whole foods into our diet: fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean meat need to be our constant companion in our pantry and on our plates. Artificial anything (flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, oils) need to be a thing of the past. Take back control of your health, and ultimately your longevity, by simply choosing wisely.

By the Way

You can check out a longer, uncut version of the Weight Watchers commercial on YouTube:
All You Can Eat (full length)

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