Sunday, June 21, 2015

That's Just Funny

I love having teens and a tween (and a pre-schooler) for kids. They are digital natives and come across some great content online that I would never have found on my own. Part of a wellness lifestyle includes the ability to laugh, find joy in the moment, and make happiness a regular part of life. And our daughter found a great resource recently, so I'm shooting it out to the Power Pantry community.

Any chance you've heard of Studio C? They are a comedy troupe which posts comedy shorts on YouTube, and has a great following (because they're funny.) Laughter is good medicine (check out my post on this from last year)... we know it in our gut and science continues to tell us so. By that guidance, a few Studio C videos a day are just what the doctor ordered.

Do you find yourself taking life too seriously? I often forget that a long time ago I gave up control as general manager of the universe... everyday worries, strife and frustrations are just not worth getting bent out of shape over. And a dose of comedic reality can help as a reset. What's better is to live with purpose, find worthwhile work to keep us occupied, maintain a selfless perspective (that is, live to serve, not to be served), and get going - time's a wastin'!

Check out some of Studio C on YouTube. You can subscribe to their channel, and you'll find a ton of content. Their Wikipedia article has a whole episode run-down of all seasons so far - check them out here: Studio C article.

So have a few laughs (or a lot of them) with the crowd from Studio C. Better yet, gather the family around and watch some of the videos together. They are all family-friendly (nothing beyond some PG-level themes) and do a great job of poking fun at typical American life. Enjoy!

By the Way

While all their content isn't hilarious, Studio C has some real winners. Their most famous one is a soccer shootout parody that's been viewed over 28 million times... because it's funny. Check it out here.

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