Sunday, July 26, 2015

Making Great Choices

Choices, choices, choices... if you've been tuned into Power Pantry for a while, you realize that our health is in our hands, and mostly, it is controlled by our power to choose wisely. I was reminded of the power of my choices this past week on a short vacation, and while we really enjoyed great food on the road, we also exercised appropriate restraint and made good food choices in general.

The array of items in our pantries is obviously influenced by where we do our shopping, and that was very apparent when Jen did a 'big' shopping trip after vacation. The trekking included our favorite roadside stand, a bigger chain-related grocery store, and a smaller 'family owned' grocery store (which has a great meat counter). That's a lot of effort, but the resulting pantry stock is just what we need.

Good choices can take that kind of effort and attention to detail, although sometimes having the right store nearby brings a quicker solution. While searching for a good dessert recipe yesterday, I landed on one from the Whole Foods website, and I remembered that Whole Foods is headed to Lancaster, PA. We still have a while to wait, though; they don't expect to be open until fall of 2017. Whole Foods is a tremendous shopping resource for healthy choices, all in one place...I'm really looking forward to their Lancaster location.

If you haven't taken advantage of Whole Foods, be sure to give their website a try. Maybe you have a Whole Foods near you, and can shop there, but either way, their site has great content, like awesome, healthy, unique recipes (even for rice pudding, which we made and enjoyed last night.) Check out Whole Foods here: Whole Foods website.

Here's to great choices, and the resources which support them. Whether it is the grilled salmon on the romaine salad while on vacation, or the commitment to trek to various grocery stores and farm stands for the healthiest selections, great choices are worth it.

By the Way

If you live in the Lancaster, PA area, you can benefit from a local whole foods grocery store called Rhubarb's Market. They have a good selection of healthy and organic foods. Check them out when you have a chance: Rhubarb's web site and contact information.

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