Thursday, July 2, 2015

Refresh and Renew Yourself

It's time for summer fun! With the 4th of July weekend here, it's a great time to revel in all summer has to offer. In our family, we like to challenge ourselves by thinking through what can we only do in this season of the year? And then go and do it! (You can only enjoy the snow in winter... so go do it. Summer is the time to enjoy great outdoor living, cookouts and long days ending with go enjoy it.)

This weekend there may be kayaking or bike rides or a hike in the woods. And definitely some cooking on the grill to top things off.

How about you? Be sure to fully engage the holiday weekend and enjoy this slice of summer. Then, in a couple of months, once we've worn out summer fun and a trip to the amusement park and cookouts of every kind, we can buckle down and get serious about something next (like school being back in session...)

As Ralph Marston put it:
Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.

By the Way

Have your summer fun in your own, unique, memorable way. A friend recently sent me a photo of two of their kids covered in mud and dripping wet, with huge smiles on their faces. Whatever led them to that level of pasty, drippy joy must have been a blast. And I'm certain they made an awesome summer memory that will last for years.

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