Sunday, February 14, 2016

Simple Wellness - Not Alone

Go Far - Together
Seventh post in a Simple Wellness series

A wellness lifestyle is just a lot of small commitments, linked together by time and experience. And one of the most effective commitments we can make in our wellness journey is to travel our wellness paths with others. Jumping on a diet bandwagon is one thing, but resolving to make specific improvements in how we are living, and walking those commitment out with other people, is a lot better.

If you're like me, you've grabbed onto a new initiative at some point in life and chased it with focused abandon, only to have your progress interrupted by life and derailed by circumstances. "The weather's too ______ (hot, cold, wet, dreary...),"  "I'm just not ______ (excited, progressing, focused...) like I thought I would..."
No worries. This happens to all of us, and it in no way makes us a failure to have these episodes of real-life distraction. The key is to have support already there, and keep us, and them, on track by journeying together.

What's the magic in having a travelling buddy? It's the accountability that comes from life-on-life commitments to decisions and goals. And when we find someone who shares our wellness perspectives and will stick with us through thick and thin, the real benefit comes as that accountability keeps us from falling prey to our circumstances. Having a wellness companion keeps us from thinking like a victim and helps us overcome and press on, instead of shrinking back and giving up.

Where do you find a great wellness partner? Wherever they appear. It can be our spouse, a brother or sister, a friend from work, or that cousin who has a gym membership across town. These days we can even have an accountability partner vicariously, like a Tony Horton, through P90X videos and YouTube posts. The question isn't who it is, or where they come from, the question is will you commit to journeying with someone else?

So if you haven't made the decision to find one or more wellness partners to share your journey, make the commitment and ask someone to join you. There's a chance they will be as glad to join you as you are to have them along on your journey.

By the Way

There is an quote I like, often attributed as an African proverb:
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Find a wellness buddy today, and go far, together.

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