Sunday, March 6, 2016

Simple Wellness - Health Hurdle

Cortisol is a Killer
Ninth post in a Simple Wellness series

When we launch into a wellness lifestyle, we automatically think about eating right and exercising a lot. And those are two vital components to finding health. But the biggest hurdles we can face may be less tangible, harder to 'clean up' elements like stress generators.

A variety of research over many decades confirms that the consistent, unabated presence of stress literally takes years off of life. Unloving, broken relationships, un-resolvable work-related demands, ongoing tension from misplaced expectations... all these stress-generators give us a steady flow of life-shortening cortisol.

The solution? Seeking forgiveness, answering agitation with love, healing and righting of wrongs, adjusting expectations to the reality in front of us, pursuit of worthwhile work based on authenticity, and application of our true ability and giftedness...Whew, that's a tall order.

When we can grow into the genuineness that the above solutions represent, life improves, stress abates, and we detox our minds and bodies at a totally new level by reducing the cortisol present in our daily routines.

Combining the reduction of stress and damaging hormones with nutrient-dense foods, regular vigorous exercise, relaxation through ample sleep and intentional breathing... now we're approaching healthful wellness lifestyle!

All of this may sound daunting. The key is to start where we are. Recognize the stress-creators in life which likely do more than just keep us awake at night - they may be tearing us apart and ultimately killing us. But start we must. Healing and forgiveness become the substance of this effort in our wellness lifestyle, and soon enough we will successfully conquer these hurdles.

By the Way

What we're really after is replacement of cortisol with dopamine and endorphins. These feel-good neurotransmitters and neuropeptides are responsible for keeping our attitude up, our minds happy, and our dispositions engaged. Where do they come from? All the wellness activities that make up a Power Pantry lifestyle: healthy food, intentional stretching and physical activity, good breathing, worthwhile work and uplifting relationships. The great news is that we'll add years to our lives as we grow into a life aligned with these no-stress choices.

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