Sunday, September 4, 2016

Returning to the Good Side


I was reminded this week of the value of discerning choices in my pantry and fridge. Last year I had posted about acid-alkaline balance in our bodies and how it is related to our food choices (From the Good Side, Jan 2015). This week I realized how far my own recollections had slid from the reality of healthful choices where acid/alkaline balance is concerned.

What is acid/alkaline balance all about? Our bodies do a miraculous job of maintaining consistent blood and tissue pH, even with the untold stresses which can put our bodily pH out of wack. Stress results from metabolizing things like refined foods and meats, dairy and most grains. When absorbing these less-healthy nutrients into our bodies, a state of low pH (an acid condition) is generated, inching our blood pH below the ideal 7.37 (which is just slightly alkaline).Veggies and fruits help stabilize bodily pH by the alkaline-forming nature of digested plant foods, keeping the pH in our tissues slightly alkaline, and keeping our bodies healthy.

If we're not eating fruits and veggies to counteract acid-forming foods, our bodies will compensate for the acid and use other means to neutralize it. As Dr. Joel Fuhrman stated in his book, Eat to Live: "Animal-protein ingestion results in a heavy acid load in the blood. This sets off a series of reactions whereby calcium is released from the bones to help neutralize the acid." Literally, our bones give up some density in the form of calcium compounds, in order for the slightly acidic state to be rebalanced back to slightly alkaline. The result is that we lose bone density, and end up with a calcium deficit in our bodies.

The slightly acidic state can also promote general inflammatory issues in our bodies, lending to health problems like arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and it can allow numerous cancers to take hold.

So, how do we keep our diet on the good side? Check out the the learning page at They offer extensive explanations of acid-alkaline issues in our diet and suggest the alkaline-forming foods which will counteract the acid-formation. Once you've wrapped your mind around which foods are acid-forming (unhealthy) and which are alkaline-forming (health-promoting) take a long look at your pantry and fridge, and see how your current food inventory measures up. Maybe you'll find some adjustments you need to make, just like we did this past week...

By the Way

Here is a tremendous chart to get you started on understanding acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods. Make choices from the good side, and your body will thank you.

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