Sunday, December 11, 2016

Get Ready!


The chapter of another year of wellness is almost closed, and it's time to dig into 2017's goals, wishlists and great intentions. Do you have a couch-to-_______ (5k, half marathon, Spartan Race) goal, or an ideal weight you've been pursuing, but maybe haven't gotten there yet? Maybe 2017 is your year.

I have three races in my sights already, and I'm contemplating others. The Garden Spot Village Marathon and Half-Marathon is the first up, on the first Saturday of April. Then Easter weekend is the Sauder Egg Run, in our exceptional home town of Lititz (this is a race we've enjoyed doing as a family for several years... we'll see who we can rally to run this year.) And then there's the Spartan Sprint and Super Races in Palmerton, PA in July. I did the Sprint this year, and I'm seriously considering the Super... we'll see.

There is a whole year ahead of us for training adventures, long and short runs, nutritional edits to our diet, weigh goals and exercise accomplishments. Take some time to make plans now. Put some things on your list that you know you can complete, and add a few things a bit more challenging (medium goals) and even put something on that's a bit crazy (a stretch goal).

Will Durant said, "...we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.." Make 2017 the year we do something differently excellent, and simply repeat throughout the year. When we do, we'll see excellence grow in our lives and flourish into a habit.

By the Way

When goal-setting for the future, start simple. Capture some good areas of growth you really feel called to pursue. Then hold them loosely and be willing to go with the flow. You have no idea what twists and turns may show up on your journey. When they do, no worries, take it as it comes, learn something from the journey, and press on.

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