Sunday, February 12, 2017

Get Back Up


Have you taken some worthwhile steps on your wellness journey this year? Or maybe you set out with great intentions and hit an early road block. Life happens, no matter what terrific plans we have, and if life has derailed your forward momentum, get back up.

The greatest gift we can give ourselves when it comes to our wellness, and the health of those around us, is perseverance. When we commit to never giving up, no matter what might befall us, then the battle is half won. The rest of our success is gained by finding our momentum and moving on.

In my 6+ year wellness journey I've had all sorts of things set me back. Things not being as I thought they were, or as I thought they should be; my own lack of self-control or motivation; injuries; new wellness information which opened totally different possibilities... Any of these things could significantly help or hurt my journey - my commitment is to take everything as it comes, and I assume that I have what it takes to thrive despite the circumstances.

If you have a wellness goal in front of you, there is no doubt you will encounter challenges in pursuit of it. Count on obstacles, and commit that growing beyond the obstacles makes you stronger and adds a depth and richness to the journey that you wouldn't have had without it. Real life is not linear, even though our plans often are.

So when you get that sprain, or succumb to the temptation of foods not worthy of your power pantry, or your workout buddy abandons you, buck up and press on. And get up again and again and again. Each step, whether forward or backward, is part of the richness of your story, and valuable for your journey.

By the Way

Some of our issues can be between our own ears. We don't give ourselves enough credit for how far we've actually come, and when we're tripped up by something, we bail. Give yourself a pep talk, and another, and another - do it seven times. They say that 80% of sales are made after the 5th contact; so sell yourself on your great plans at least that many times. There is magic and blessing in that kind of grit and tenacity. Don't stay down...don't give up. You have what it takes.

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