Sunday, August 6, 2017

Fresh is Best


Have you taken a good look at your pantry and fridge lately? Are they stocked with all that's good for your body or have less-than-healthful choices made their way in? One way to get into a power pantry groove is to shop local for farm-fresh foods.

We live in Lancaster County, PA. This area overflows with local, farm-fresh produce during the growing season. The eastern part of Lancaster County is even know as the 'Garden Spot'... one of the most fertile and productive non-irrigated farming locations in the country (and some would say the world.)

When stocking a power pantry, the goal is simple, nutrient dense, and unprocessed. Shopping at a local roadside stand would likely achieve all three. Look for fresh fruits (peaches and watermelon are at their peak for us in PA...) fresh veggies of every kind, and now you are likely to find great local meat offerings (free range chickens, grass-fed beef and more.)

If you're not sure where to find local farm-fresh offerings, just ask around. There's a good chance you'll find friends, co-workers and family who have favorite roadside resources for great local shopping. Another simple opportunity is to take a drive - try some back roads you've never been on. Slow down and connect locally, and you're sure to be rewarded with some farm markets and roadside stands.

Make it a point to rev up your pantry with fresh, ultra-local produce today. You'll enjoy the changing of selections as the seasons change, and connect better with your community, all at the same time. 

By the Way

There are over 37 great roadside stand in Lancaster County, PA, alone... check out this link for a great local web site listing.

You can also try this local farm market site with listing all around the country and around the world.

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