Sunday, May 27, 2018

A Genuine Memorial Day


The next installment of my 2018 celebration of turning 50 is a legitimate memorial event to celebrate Memorial Day. Some time ago I was introduced to The Murph Challenge (likely through CrossFit videos on YouTube...). Memorial Day Monday, I'll be grindin' it out, doing this classic workout, in honor of Lt. Michael P Murphy.

Lt Murphy fought for our country as a Navy SEAL, and lost his life in 2005 near Asadabad, Afghanistan. Learn more about his heroic investment in his team here. Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

The Murph Challenge workout is something Lt. Murphy was know for among his comrades. This self-styled PT was something Murph embraced, and invited others into. The workout?
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run
All with a military body-armor vest on (about 20 pounds)

Years ago, this workout caught on as a great, simple cardio, upper-body and leg workout, and was promoted in military circles before catching on with CrossFit. The Murph Challenge is now repeated world-wide in honor of Lt. Murphy.

A month or so ago I registered for the Murph Challenge, and I've been preparing mentally and physically since. How about you? What's on your wellness calendar? Are you reviewing your pantry or your physical activity for 2018? Have you added anything beneficial recently? There is no time like the present.

By the Way

I'll be doing the Murph Challenge without the body armor vest. I will do the run with my 25 pound sandbag, but the arm and leg portions will just be body-weight. And the point is to do the workout for time. Without the weight vest, I should be able to finish in about 45-50 minutes. We'll see... And maybe this will become a yearly tradition for me - our military deserves our honor and acknowledgement.

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