Sunday, June 17, 2018

Who Are You?


I'm reading an incredible book right now: "Running On Empty," by ultra-marathoner Marshall Ulrich, chronicling Ulrich's landmark run across the USA. I would highly recommend this book for guidance, encouragement and most of all to help you answer your own question of "why".

Why care about our wellness? Why stock a great, life-giving pantry? Why exercise, for real, 5 days a week? Why?

Ulrich is an incredible endurance athlete, and holds the Masters and Grand Masters record for running across the entire USA (San Francisco to NY City). But why?

The book describe Ulrich's fairly normal upbringing in Colorado, and how as an adult he sought stress relief and focus through running. With the loss of his first wife to cancer, and a penchant for successfully running grueling distances, tolerating pain well beyond what most can endure, Ulrich delves deeply into the motivations of an endurance athlete.

A turning point in his personal journey, and his second wife's acceptance of his sometimes bizarre athletic endeavors, comes when Ulrich realizes, simply, "It's just who I am." This revelation gives him the focus he needs to dig deep, with his wife Heather by his side, and complete the 3,063 mile journey across America.

What's your 'Why'? Who are you, down deep? I accepted years ago that I'm a bit eccentric (and hopefully not too neurotic) with my wellness pursuits. But that's who I am. And I have co-conspirators in the likes of endurance athletes and obstacle course racers, and runners of all kinds. That settles my mind about who I really am, what makes me come alive, and why a wellness lifestyle is vital to me.

Today, take some time to think deeply about who you are, where you fit, and what makes you come alive. You'll be glad you did, and the world around you will likely thank you for being yourself.

By the Way

Ulrich's cross-country journey was the subject of the 2010 movie, Running America. Read the book, or watch the movie... either way, I'm certain your journey will be inspired.

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