Sunday, September 16, 2018

Barefoot and Grounded


Some time ago I posted about 'grounding' or 'earthing' as a way to combat inflammation in our bodies, and bring us back into connection with the natural electrical ground we get from contact with the Earth. Check out the link for those details.

I have been bringing grounding into my life a bit more lately, because some months ago I bought my first pair of 'barefoot' running shoes. You may also hear these called 'zero drop' shoes. The point is that there is no height difference between the heel and the rest of the sole of the shoe (think flip flops or plain sandals.)

The benefits of barefoot or zero-drop shoes appear to be numerous, and are new enough to shoe technology that there is more to be written on the topic. For now, zero drop shoes are recognized as bringing your feet, ankles and legs (along with all the related joints) into a more natural form of walking and running.

Image result for merrell trail glove 4The 'barefoot' trail running shoes I bought have been great. I never had knee or joint issues, and rarely had calf cramps, and such, so there really wasn't anything for me to measure or overcome. But long story short, the Merrell Trail Glove 4 running shoes have served me very well through dozens of miles of running, a half marathon, and two Spartan races.

Are barefoot shoes for everyone? Some would say "absolutely!"... and so is walking barefoot. Other specialists contend that significant walking barefoot causes poor foot and joint health. I tend to disagree, and figure it all works together (fix your diet, build up your activity level, start going barefoot for walking and running, and you'll probably be good to go.)

So think about some healthier footwear next time you are shoe shopping, and consider flats, or sandals or some zero-drop shoes. You may walk right into a new and better part of your wellness lifestyle.

By the Way

Some great brands of barefoot shoes and zero-drop shoes are Merrell (mostly running and trail), VivoBarefoot (great selection, but a bit pricey), and Xero Shoes (originators of great minimalist shoes).
And remember that our bodies get all kinds of benefits from simply going barefoot in our daily life.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Pantry Purge


Michael Pollan has a great quote that I've shared before in Power Pantry:
"Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."

In the US (and other cultures which are unfortunately following our standard American diet) we are over fed, and under-nourished. Following Pollan's guidance is a tremendous start to correcting that.

Check out this review of Pollan's 7 Rules for Eating, posted on WebMD:

7 Rules for Eating
Image result for real food

Note that food refers to 'REAL food' - not the lab-designed food-like substances sold from the shelves of convenience stores and groceries nationwide. Coke products are NOT food... potato chips are not food... even breakfast cereals, frankly, fall far short of being food.

One perspective I appreciate from Pollan is that if your grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it. Wow would that eliminate a lot from our pantries.

How is your pantry looking? Have you done a comprehensive review lately? Feeling a bit run down and achy? Start with what you're putting into your body... follow Pollan's 7 Rules faithfully. Seek out REAL food. Then whatever you find in your pantry which has any flavoring (natural or artificial), coloring, preservatives of any kind, or any kind of sweeteners which are overly processed (dates=good; sorbitol, aspartame and even erythritol=bad) throw out.

The result? You'll have the opportunity to drop weight, sleep better, enjoy your calories, and even knit better as a family. The biggest benefit of all is that our bodies will thank us when we purge the faux foods and commit to buying and eating real food. Happy shopping!

By the Way

Become an expert at reading labels. Look for a minimal number of ingredients (think Lara Bars, not Nutrigrain bars...). Get the family involved and cooking together, then sit and savor today's culinary creations. Truly learn to appreciate and savor the smells and tastes and textures of what you eat, and you'll be on your way to wellness.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Nutritional, Power-packed Seeds


If you've been reading Power Pantry for any amount of time, you know that all foods are not created equally. More than that, there are a lot foods which may be nutritious and satisfying for some people, and downright harmful to others.

I have a very sensitive gut, and have learned over the years that some foods are just fine for me, yet others (think nightshade veggies, corn and legumes) are flirting with nutritional and physical disaster. This keeps me watching for healthful sources of carbs, fats and protein, and yields (hopefully beneficial) content for Power Pantry.
Image result for sunflower seeds
One healthful protein I appreciate is the sunflower seed. I've mentioned sunflower seeds numerous times in Power Pantry, but know these nutritional powerhouses deserve a closer look. While so many proteins come with dietary or digestive challenges (dairy, beans, tree nuts, various fish, eggs, etc.) sunflower seeds offer numerous nutritional benefits with none of the common allergy issues.

These power-packed seeds have been cultivated and enjoyed for thousands of years, and one thing consistently credited to sunflower seeds is that they are well tolerated by so many people. Along with that, sunflower seeds pack tremendous health benefits. Check out this article from the website for "The World's Healthiest Foods" (
Sunflower Seeds - a health-promoting snack

Note the variety of benefits: a great source of Vitamin E (the body's only fat-soluble anti-oxidant, for anti-inflammatory help and cancer prevention ); phytosterols to lower cholesterol, magnesium to strengthen our nervous system, and selenium, a powerful detoxifier and cancer preventer.

So if you're looking for something super healthful, snackable and satisfying, reach for sunflower seeds. You just may find a new favorite.

By the Way

If you like nut butters as much as I do, you'll appreciate this further perspective from Dr. Axe on sunflower seed butter: Sunflower Seed Butter - the Peanut Butter Alternative