Sunday, September 9, 2018

Pantry Purge


Michael Pollan has a great quote that I've shared before in Power Pantry:
"Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."

In the US (and other cultures which are unfortunately following our standard American diet) we are over fed, and under-nourished. Following Pollan's guidance is a tremendous start to correcting that.

Check out this review of Pollan's 7 Rules for Eating, posted on WebMD:

7 Rules for Eating
Image result for real food

Note that food refers to 'REAL food' - not the lab-designed food-like substances sold from the shelves of convenience stores and groceries nationwide. Coke products are NOT food... potato chips are not food... even breakfast cereals, frankly, fall far short of being food.

One perspective I appreciate from Pollan is that if your grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it. Wow would that eliminate a lot from our pantries.

How is your pantry looking? Have you done a comprehensive review lately? Feeling a bit run down and achy? Start with what you're putting into your body... follow Pollan's 7 Rules faithfully. Seek out REAL food. Then whatever you find in your pantry which has any flavoring (natural or artificial), coloring, preservatives of any kind, or any kind of sweeteners which are overly processed (dates=good; sorbitol, aspartame and even erythritol=bad) throw out.

The result? You'll have the opportunity to drop weight, sleep better, enjoy your calories, and even knit better as a family. The biggest benefit of all is that our bodies will thank us when we purge the faux foods and commit to buying and eating real food. Happy shopping!

By the Way

Become an expert at reading labels. Look for a minimal number of ingredients (think Lara Bars, not Nutrigrain bars...). Get the family involved and cooking together, then sit and savor today's culinary creations. Truly learn to appreciate and savor the smells and tastes and textures of what you eat, and you'll be on your way to wellness.

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