Sunday, September 29, 2019

Tune In


We come up with so many excuses for living in unhealthy ways. No time. No direction. No one to journey with. As an 'old' guy, I could resonate with many of those. My reality, though, is one of conviction and perseverance - I choose to tune in to my wellness daily.

Image result for instagram logo
This weekend I've taken yet another step to keep up with what is new, useful and challenging in the wellness realm: I created an Instagram profile. It's not that I was resisting following Instagram, I just hadn't done it. 

But Facebook... that is something I resist. To me, it is a resource that doesn't benefit me compared to the distraction it creates. Yes, I have a Facebook profile, but I only visit it once or twice a year.

Now that I'm on Instagram, I can tune in to what my kids are doing and posting (some of the stuff they follow is really cool) and I can more closely follow content that is meaningful to me. I have a bunch of profiles I'm already following, including the faith community, Spartan Race, Crossfit, as well as some of the best Wellness gurus of our time.

I appreciate the guidance of Dr. Josh Axe, and Mark Sisson, so those are two profiles I'm already following. The content from Spartan and Crossfit is inexhaustible - so I'll not get bored anytime soon with all that is available.

What good is all of this? It is motivation. It is grounding. It gives us a vicarious tribe. It keeps our head in the game - our game, our journey, our wellness choices. So consider tuning in. If you're not on at least some form of social media, maybe give one a try and see if it fits for you.

By the Way

My user name is "b.dedic8d" - I use "dedicated" as a foundation for why I live a wellness lifestyle. It is actually from a quote that captured my attention years ago, "Obsessed is a word that lazy people use to describe the dedicated."

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