Sunday, June 14, 2015

Big on Salads

I've written before that I'm a big fan of Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He consistently adds value to the conversation on health, wellness and nutrition, and best of all, his guidance works, if we'll just do it. At some point, when we're not satisfied with our health and the direction we're getting from conventional medical sources, we need to consider other resources. For me, Dr. Fuhrman is one of those resources.

A fundamental perspective that Dr. Fuhrman brings to nutritional excellence is that salad should be the main dish for as many meals as possible. The value our bodies derive from fresh veggies and the nutritional density of greens, and all colorful vegetables for that matter, are unmatched by anything in the standard American diet. It's as simple as that, "make salad the main dish"!

Obviously summer is the best time to launch into this perspective, as we're surrounded by every kind of fresh produce for about the next 4 months. Of course our hyper-connected world yields fresh fruits and veggies year-round, whether from the farm field a mile away, or California, Florida, New Zealand or Argentina (all of which have been sources for the Muller's produce recently).

So take a look at your meal-planning for the next few weeks and incorporate salad wherever you can. Part of the preparation will be stocking your power pantry and fridge to compliment the salad initiative, so start there. And be careful about the dressings! That is the biggest tripping hazard in a healthful salad. Most bottled, brand name dressings are off the charts with fats (and not good fats), sodium, flavor-enhancers and sugars - uhg! Around our house we keep it simple with some Newman's Own selections, mix-yourself Italian dressing, and plain old oil and vinegar. Simple always wins.

Here's to being big on salads and amping up our salad consumption. Good luck!

By the Way

Dr. Furhman recently did an email blast about making salad the main dish. Check it out here:
Make the Salad the Main Dish

He even addresses the dressing issue with some (shameless) promotion of his own line of healthy dressing choices...

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