Sunday, July 19, 2015

Vacation Time!

A power pantry wellness lifestyle has a lot of activity, a lot of meaningful relationships, time to laugh and unwind, and it also has a lot of great food. Since were at the peak of summer, and it is vacation time, I thought I'd throw out an encouragement about vacation... it's that part of the lifestyle where we're supposed to unwind...

To get us thinking in the right direction, it would be good to check in with Robby Novak, The Kid President. I've enjoy his YouTube video posts over the years, calling us up to engage life fully, and to be awesome. His latest one is just as good.

Check out his recent video on the goal of vacation, and what kids really want from getting away.
What Kids Really Want from Vacation

So make some time to laugh and unwind, and maybe even dig into some tremendous, nutritious, summertime recipes, while enjoying a vacation with family.

By the Way

Check out my post from last year on Robby's first big hit video... it's always worth watching again:

Remember to Be Awesome

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