Sunday, November 29, 2015

Let It Go

20 years ago I made a choice that changed my life forever. A wellness lifestyle is about much more than food and exercise habits, and if you've followed Power Pantry for any length of time, you've gotten that impression. And sometimes a simple choice sets our lives on a drastically different course.

It was in 1995 that I began to understand forgiveness, because that was the year I crossed the line of faith and started to follow Jesus. I was a holiday christian growing up, and understood guilt and shame really well through my religious experiences. What I didn't understand was grace... and mercy... and forgiveness.

Over the last 20 years I've been growing and learning and maturing (I hope) in my understanding of all Jesus did for me by giving his life on the cross. And the foundation of that understanding is forgiveness. It still humbles and fascinates me how much God loves us, and the wellness that comes from that love and the adventurous living He calls us into.

Today I saw a simple reminder that really impacted me... it was a snippet of God's truth in a sidebar article in a magazine, talking about the value of forgiveness. There are volumes of scientific, psychological and sociological research which point to the value of forgiveness and freedom it brings.

I needed that reminder today - a simple reminder to let it go. All of it. Every bit of it. Any trial or offense or wrong or missed expectation has in it the seed of bitterness and resentment which turns to acid and poison when left to grow. But the good news is that offering and accepting forgiveness, of ourselves and others, provides an incredible and healing release. When we choose to offer forgiveness and let it go, we benefit, and everyone we touch can benefit as well.

Maybe there is a sticking point in your wellness journey that is deeper than nutritional choices, and more obscure than getting more exercise. Maybe it's time to look around at what may be grinding you up inside, gather your courage, take a deep breath. and let it go. If you'd ever want to talk about forgiveness, and my journey or yours, feel free to reach out through the Power Pantry home page, and we'll connect.

By the Way

When we experience forgiveness issues with ourselves and others, the damage wrought is really on us, not the person or circumstance we get so bitterly focused on. It's been said that harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. When we choose to let it go, we remove the poison and journey closer to wholeness and wellness.


  1. Hey Steve....been wanting to thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom through your Power Pantry blog.

    Thank You!!!

    Blessings for you and your family this holiday season☆☆☆☆

    1. Hi Steve - thanks for the awesome comment and your support! I'm humbled...
      I just enjoy the opportunity to share some parts of my journey. Thank you for being a part of it.

      All the best to you and your family for the holidays as well!
