Sunday, January 3, 2016

Simple Wellness - A Guide


Time for a Change

I regularly meet with folks who are looking to make a wellness change. It seems all desires to improve our health are borne from a level of discontent, and that's where we'll start Power Pantry for 2016. It's not time for resolutions, it's time for goals that lead us one step closer to real and lasting improvement, even change.

Wellness is a lifestyle and a life-philosophy, that's why we refer to Power Pantry as 'Lifestyle Wellness Resources'. Living a wellness lifestyle is not a diet, it is a healthful and active way of engaging life. We can overcome food cravings and a disconnected, sedentary lifestyle, even if they have plagued us for decades, and go on to live a healthy and active life.

For the next month or so Power Pantry is going to offer simple wellness how-tos, starting with the basics and hopefully giving you a point of entry for your own journey. Everyone starts their wellness journey where they: we bring our past, our expectations, our cravings, our fears of what life will be like 'without' certain foods... The peace of mind we want to find is available, and must be accomplished like any worthy goal - a step at a time.

If you have a nagging discontent about your health, start there. Use that mental churning as your drive to make a positive difference this year, and for many years to come. Live in the tension of where you are, compared to where you really want to be (and know you can be). We'll do our best to support your journey with simple guidance of good steps you can take.

Here are some topics we'll cover in the coming weeks:
  • A wellness vision
  • How to lose your cravings
  • Why nutrient-dense foods are best
  • Controlling portion-distortion
  • Journeying together
  • Wellness beyond food
  • Get your body moving
  • Sustaining the new you

We may offer other topics as well in this Guide to kick off 2016, so subscribe (on the blog page) or tune in weekly for some inspiration, and definitely share Power Pantry with others. Comment on posts and feel free to contact me directly with questions or thoughts. And prepare to love the journey, your food, and your health! We look forward to joining you, and having you join us.

By the Way

In the coming weeks we also want to offer some incredible media resources and the motivation they provide. Watch, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." If you've seen it before, watch it again (it's being offered for Free for a limited time). It is a tremendous story of commitment to wellness and how a couple of guys started their own wellness revolution. Their story continues today...

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