Sunday, January 10, 2016

Simple Wellness - Reset


Lose the Cravings

Third post in a Simple Wellness series...

When we eat real food it makes our bodies happy. When we eat processed foods, it makes our taste buds and our minds happy for a while, but processed foods of our Western diet make our bodies really frustrated. And once we're in the cycle of eating processed foods, our minds need more and more of it to get the same level of satisfaction.

For all the abundance we have, the standard American diet is killing us slowly and painfully, and the decline to poor health is totally preventable. If we've struck a clear vision of our future, like we talked about in the last post, our next step is to start moving our food choices toward ones our bodies will love. The great news is that as we make healthier food choices, we can get our minds and bodies to reset and overcome the cycle of cravings and toxic hunger which come with processed foods.

The food-industrial complex surrounds us with a lot of food-like products and drinks, but these aren't real food. Real foods are ones which are simply the way God made them. Not processed, not refined, not stripped of vital elements to make them look better or have a better texture. No growth hormones and no genetic engineering and as un-enhanced as possible. 

Michael Pollan, an author, professor and journalist, has a great quote: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." And by food, he's referring to real food. Simple, whole, nutrient-dense food. When we do, it is very possible to reset our taste buds and overcome the distraction of cravings. It will take a week or two to shed the desire for industrialized food, but as the salt and fats and artificial flavors come out of our system, replaced by fresh, whole foods, the cravings will die down... we'll talk more about that in the next post.

To get going, just start. A pantry (and fridge) purge of processed foods is the best way to launch. Ditch the foods with white flour and preservatives and sugar, and MSG and artificial colors and flavors. If it wasn't in our great-grandmother's kitchen, don't eat it.

Last week I suggested watching "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead", and there is a follow-on documentary by Joe Cross as well, "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead 2" (available on DVD, iTunes & Netflix). Both of these films depict a juicing 'reboot', where you can detox and reset by consuming freshly juiced fruits and vegetables as a regularly part of your daily diet. A juice fast isn't necessary to reset our cravings and launch our wellness journey, just a purge of the junk, and introduction of real food. The key is to just do it.

By the Way

If you're not convinced there is anything wrong with our industrialized food, check out the TEDx Talk by Douglas Lisle, author of The Pleasure Trap. It's a great investment of 18 minutes in your wellness: 

Be sure to note Dr. Lisle's three tips at the end of his talk... our foundation of success is a decision away.

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