Sunday, October 15, 2017

Go. Do. Adjust. Repeat!


We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. And we're certainly capable of more than others around us may think we're capable of. All it takes is focus and direction. Without it we can end up bumbling through life where today looks like yesterday and tomorrow looks like today. Life is worth much more than that.

It starts with direction and some purpose, and simply needs a plan:

To get anywhere, we have to have a destination in mind. How many of us invest more effort planning our yearly vacation than we do any other aspect of life? Having a vision of where our life is going should be normal. Maybe it is eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods, or getting out for a long walk several times a week. Write it down. Create a road map. Most of all have a solid reason 'Why' you have this vision for yourself.

Next is to execute our plan. However simple or detailed it may be, start to do. Long-term goals, short-term goals, goals of little consequence, and goals of great consequence... all it takes is focused effort, day-in and day-out, to get there. While disciplined action may not be fun, it is the path to your envisioned future, so stick with it and put in the effort.

If you are striving toward something worthwhile, it will be hard. Life may (probably will) get in the way. Press on anyway. Friends may doubt your sanity or choices (especially if you are making wiser / healthier / better life choices than they are) and pressure you to let it go, and get 'back to normal.' Press on anyway. As we learn what it takes to achieve our goals we may need to adjust our time frames, add more resources, or invest in an intermediate step. Do it. Adjust, and keep the vision and reason why clearly in front of you.

As you do the next thing, stay keenly aware of new opportunities. If you're developing new skills (like cooking in a healthy way or fitting a great workout into a busy week) share those skills with others. Add to your vision as you open up vistas in life that you were never aware of. Once you have a new plan, execute it, adjust to the circumstances and continue your positive journey of growth.

When we Go, Do, Adjust and Repeat, we likely will create a meaningful and beneficial upward spiral in life. We'll grow into new experiences, accomplish purposeful things, and likely enjoy an added richness of life. Happy doing.

By the Way

The most valuable step in achieving our goals is the ability to Adjust. If you fall behind, restart. Every day is a new day, a new chance to dig into your goal and accomplish the next thing. Always work on your reason why; knowing why is the best reset we can have. And we'll likely not be lonely - it is surprising how many new friends and supporters we find on our new path.

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