Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Simple Holiday Fruit


There are notable holiday foods that make memories, are healthy, and are worth sharing with others. One of my favorites is pomegranates. Available mainly between September and January (in North America), pomegranates make a wonderful, healthful addition to holiday meals.

Pomegranates are an ancient fruit which has been cultivated since Biblical times, and originally hails from the Middle East and Mediterranean. There are numerous worthwhile benefits from the sweet and tart juice, along with the edible seeds. You'll find the whole fruit, and juices, available in your grocery store. When shopping for pomegranate juice, be sure to get the 100% juice, as other 'cocktail' juices contain numerous fruit juices (like pear and apple) and often have sugar as well.

The incredible health benefits of pomegranates makes them a welcomed part of a wellness lifestyle. If apples, grapes and bananas have gotten a bit boring, try throwing in a pomegranate. I like this detailed article from Dr. Josh Axe, describing the top 7 benefits of pomegranates and their juice:
Dr. Axe on pomegranates

You'll note benefits like fighting cancer, lowering blood pressure, reducing join pain & arthritis, heart health and increasing testosterone. Quite a lot of benefits from one simple fruit.

The fruit has a unique configuration of seeds within the heavy rind, with each seed surrounded by a juicy aril. The arils and seeds are all edible, and packed with goodness. Pomegranates are known for beneficial values of vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, potassium and more. They pack a lot of nutritional punch.

So give pomegranates a try this holiday season. You may find a new favorite fruit for your power pantry, and your body will thank you for the health and wellness it offers.

By the Way

Cleaning a whole pomegranate isn't the easiest task. The juicy arils and seeds are encapsulated in the meaty rind of the fruit, and it takes a bit of patience and persistence to get it opened and cleaned. But the flavor and benefits are worth the effort. And be careful, because the juice will stain clothes and cutting boards, etc.

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