Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Time Out


No matter what the season, there is value in calming our mind and being still. Now that the holidays are here, it is certainly a great time to practice some mindfulness in the midst of the festivities. Mindfulness and meditation have existed since ancient times, and with modern science to back up the value and add to the techniques, there is no time like the present to get started.

Have you heard of neuroplasticity? This rather recent field of study is proving the positive effects of mindfulness and meditation. Fundamentally, it is finding a quiet time to rest our minds and disconnect from whatever may be mentally pressing on us. More than just a time of prayer or a time of quiet, it is detaching from the present to experience something pure and simple and different from our normal day (like the sound of our breathing.)

mindfull mind full holidaysThe ways that can lead to worthwhile meditation and mindfulness are numerous. With apps and websites galore, we have all kinds of resources at our disposal. The key is to start, even if starting small, to make quieting our minds part of our wellness lifestyle.

The benefits of meditation? Reduction of cortisol, stress and inflammatory triggers in our metabolism to yield peace, calm, clearer thinking, and more resolved self-control. And who wouldn't benefit from all of these over the holidays? (and all year long for that matter.)

Check out this great article from Dr. Josh Axe's website with substantial content on what meditation and mindfulness is, and a simple (beginner's) approach to guided meditation:
The 5-Step Approach to Guided Meditation

The pace of western culture isn't getting any slower, so we won't see relief from the busyness anytime soon. Find some time to explore mindfulness and meditation a bit further, and consider adding to your wellness lifestyle. Your body, mind and spirit will likely thank you.

By the Way

Watch for great apps to support meditation and mindfulness if you want a simple way to start. One is Headspace, available on Apple iOS and Android. Founded by Andy Puddicombe and Rich Pierson, Headspace is a tool for bringing successful meditation into our daily lives and backing up the lifestyle value with science.

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