Sunday, December 2, 2018

Reach Beyond


Image result for reach beyond our grasp"Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?"
Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, May 9

2018 is almost done. Maybe we've hit all our goals we had set out before us, and maybe we haven't. We likely won't finish off our list in the next 3 weeks... 

Now is the best time to start looking at 2019. What will we set out before us to spur us on? Maybe we have a goal or two from 2018 that we migrate to our list for next year. That new biking habit we just didn't tackle, the workout routine that we had planned to wear thin by being at the gym daily, or maybe the half marathon that we abandoned because of those joint aches and pains...

Last year's unlived lives can be our foundation goals for next year. Starting right where we left off may be the best way forward. The key for motivating goals is to stretch just a bit beyond what we really think is possible.

Do you have goals that make you a bit nervous, or doubtful you'll achieve it? Or maybe you have a big, audacious goal that actually makes you a bit scared... as long as it is still in the realm of possibility, that might be just the right goal for you next year.

I love the Oswald Chambers quote I shared above - our reach (what we can conceive of, or dream about, or see in our minds' eye for our future) should be beyond our grasp (what we can understand, what we are confident that we can tackle - those things right at our fingertips). I think it is great to live on that edge of what's possible.

So after some of that mindful time we mentioned last week, let your mind wander a bit and think about what 2019 may hold for your wellness journey. Now is the time to set a foundation for 2019; then when January comes we can get to work.

By the Way

I learned long ago that we create accountability by sharing our goals, even the crazy ones (especially the crazy ones). I don't see it as bragging or one-upping others, just a bit of social connection where I expect others to check in on whether I saw it through. So... my 2019 stretch goal is to run a Spartan Ultra - the longest regular race they offer. It is 30+ miles and 36+ obstacles... I'm signed up for April 27th.

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